نبذه عن الأبحاث المصريه عن نبات الهوهوبا ومنتجاته تمت خلال السنوات العشر الماضيه العديد من الأبحاث ورسائل الدكتوراه والماجيستير فى العديد من المجالات بدعم وتشجيع الشركه المصريه وفيما يلى ملخص بعناوين الأبحاث والرسائل :
أولا : ألابحــاث الـطبيــه ثانيأ : رسائل الماجيستير والدكتوراه فى مجال الطب والصيدله ثالثأ :ا لأبحاث فى المجال الزراعى والعلمى رابعأ : رسائل الدكتوراه والماجيستير فى المجال الزراعى والكيميائى خامسأ : الأبحاث والرسائل فى مجال الوقود والزيوت الهندسيه الكيميائيه سادساً: التطورات الاخيرة عن أستخدامات منتجات نبات الهوهوبا
أولا : ألابحــاث الـطبيــه
الأبحاث فى مجال طب الأسنان
1.Clinical Evaluation of Jojoba in Management of Recurrent Aphthous Ulceration Maguied Amin Mouchira Salah El Din Tarek Abbas Azza Ezz El Arab*** (October 1997).
2.Histiological Pulp Response to An Experimental Capping Material Mohsen H. Abo El-Hassan* and Samia Mostafa Alazab (August 1998).
3.Effect of Jojoba Oral Jel On Treatment of Denture Stomatitis Moataz M. El Mahdy, Mahmoud H. Elafandy*** (December 1999).
4.Assessment of Nutritional Deficiencies and Clinical Evaluation of Treatment of Aphthous Ulcer In Children Nadia. E. Metwalli. and Ola M.Omar (July 2002).
5.Comparative Evaluation of low Level Laser Therapy Versus Jogel in the Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Ulcers: a Clinical and Digital Image Analysis Study Eman Abd El-Sattar and Hussein Saudi (October 2002).
فى مجال طب العيون
1.A Natural Product of Simmondisa Chinensis: The Ocular Pharmacological Effects in an Experimental Study 1. Effect on Induced Allergic Conjunctivittis Sherif M.S Karawaya MD: Iman M.Z Zaki, MD; Ghada G. El-Hossary, M.D. (2002).
2.A Natural Product of Simmondisa Chinesis: the Ocular Pharmacological Effects in An Experimental Study 11- Effect on Induced Allergic Conjunctivitis Sherif M.S Karawya, Iman M.A.Zaki and Ghada G. El-Hossary the Department of Ophthalmology, Pathology and Pharmacology, Research Institute of Ophthalmlolgy (june 2003).
فى مجال طب الأطفــال
1. A Natural Egyptian Jojoba Liquid Wax is as Effective as Corticosteroids in Controlling Napkin Rash Mahmoud El-Mogi, MD, Hussien Koura, MD, Hazem Abd El-Salam, MD., Mohammed Hassan, MS. Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo. ( March 2002).
فى مجال الصيدله
1.Some Biological And Pharmacological Studies on Jojoba oil Hanan M. Sobhy And Elham A. Mohamed (Animal Health Research Institute) . (March 1997).
2.Biologically Active Flavonoids from Simmondsia Chinensis (link) Schneider Growing in Egypt A.M. El-Sham,. A. H.Shehata, O.A. Sana, A.M. El-Halawany and H.A. Abd El-Latif Phamacognosy Department and Pharmcology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy. Cairo University. Kasr El-Aini Street, Cairo. Egypt (April 2002).
3.Chimical and Biological Evaluation of Jojoba oil A.M. El Shamy, A.H Shehata, O.A Sanad and Ali M. El Halawany Pharmacology Department, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr El Ainy Street, Cairo, Egypt (May 2001).
4.Anti-inflammatory effects of Jojoba Liquid wax In experimental Models Ramy R.Habashy a, Ashraf B. Abdel-Naim a, Amani E.Khalifa a, Mohammed M. Al-Azizi b.. a Department of Pharmacology and toxicology, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt.. b Department of Pharmacognocy. Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (April 2004).
فى مجال الطب البيطرى
1.Study on Effect of Jojoba Oil as antibacterial agent and growth promoting factor Hanan, M.Sobbhy Riad, E. M. and Zaki, E. R.. Department of Chemistry and food Defficincy, Department of Bacteriology Department of Buffaloe Diseaes, Animal Health Research Institute (October 1998).
2.Influence of Jojoba Meal Supplementation on Body Gain, Function of Organs, Biochemical Parmeters and the Associated Pathological Alterations in Male Rats Hanan M. Sobhy, Elham A. Mohamed ; Moda k.Mansour and Gehan G. Shehab. Department of Chemistry & food Desciency, (Department of
Pathology Animal Health Research Institute, Dokki, Giza. (2003)
ثانيأ : رسائل الماجيستير والدكتوراه فى مجال الطب والصيدله
1.Pharmacognostical study of Simmondisa Chinensis (link) Schneider Family Buxaceae (Simmondsiaceae) Cultivated in Egypt A Thesis
Presented by Ali Mahmoud Ali El-Halawany. For the degree of Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (pharmacognocy). Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali M. EL-Shamy.. Prof. of pharmacognosy& head Of Pharmacognosy Department Faculty Of Pharmacy Cairo Univ. (2002).
2.Pharmacognostical study of Anti-inflammatory effects of Jojoba Liquid wax Extracted From Simmondisa Chinensis A Thesis Presented by Dr. Ramy Reffat Habashy For the degree of Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (pharmacognocy). Under the supervision of Prof. Dr Mohammed Al-Azizi. Pharmacology and toxicology Department Faculty Of Pharmacy Ain Shams University (2004).
3.Pharmacognostical study of Chemical Composition and Anti- inflammatory Activity of Natural Wax Isolated from Egyptian Jojoba A Thesis Presented by Dr. Mohammed Ashour For the degree of Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (pharmacognocy). Under the supervision of Prof. Dr Mohammed Al-Azizi. Pharmacognosy Department Faculty Of Pharmacy Ain Shams. Univ. (2004).
4.Study on the effect of jojoba oil on iduced peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal motility Thesis Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the M. Sc. Degree of Pharmacology By Magdy Ali Sayed Abdrabo M.B, B.CH, Al-Azhar Univ. Demonstrator in the pharmacology Department Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University. Under the supervision of prof. Dr.Hady Abdel Mohsen Kandil. Prof. and chairman of Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine, A-Azhar Univ. (2005).
5.Study of some Effects of Jojoba Oil on Uterus and Teachea in Experimental Anim,als Thesis Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the master Degree in Pharmacology by Abd El-Latif Said Abd El-Latif Esmail. M.B., Ch. Al-Azhar University Demonstrator of Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine, A-Azhar Supervised by Prof. Dr. Hady Abd El-Mohsen Kaneel Prof. and chairman of Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine, A-Azhar univ Cairo.(2005).
6.Formulation and Characterization Of Certain Pharmaceutical Emulgel System A thesis Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for master Degree of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Drugb Technology by Mostafa Hussien Kamel Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, May 1998, Alex. Univ. Under Supervision Prof. Dr. Seham Elsayed Abd El-Hady prof. of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Department of Drug Technology Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams university. Cairo (2005).
- 7-Study Of Some effects Of Jojoba Oil Thesis submitted for Partial fulfillment of M.D Degree in pharmacology By Ali Abd – Elsalam Ahmed M.B. B.Ch. M.Sc. Pharmacology M. Sc. Clinical Pathology Supervised by Prof. Dr. Hady Kandil Professor and head of pharmacology Department Faculty of Medicine for boys – Al-Azhar University Prof .Dr.Ahmed Labib professor of pharmacology Faculty of Medicine for boys – Al-Azhar University Prof.Dr. Hassan Helaly Abu-Rhama Professor and head of pharmacology Department Faculty of Medicine for boys – Alzhar University ( Assiut) Faculty of medicine for boys – Al –Azhar University (2006)
ثالثأ :الأبحاث فى المجال الزراعى والعلمى
1.Evaluation of Jojoba oil for Control of spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychide) in Egypt F,K El-Duwieni and R.A. Sedrak Plant Protection Research Institute, ARC, Dokki, Giza Egypt. (1997).
2.Synergism and Antagonism of mixing some acaricides with jojoba oil for control of spider mite (Acari: Tetrranychidae) in Egypt. F.K El-Dueini and R. A. Sedrak Plant Protection Research Institute. ARC, Dokki Giza, Egypt. (1998).
3.Responses of Hormones, Absicisic Acid and Polymines to NACL Salinzation in Jojoba. M.M El-Araby, A.H. Nassar, S.M. Mostafa, and H.F. M. Shaaban from Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (December 2000).
4.Effect of sucrose and NaCL on the Production of Liquid wax in Callus Culture Of Jojoba By A.H, Nassar, M.M El Araby and H.M.F. Shaaban from Department of Botany, Faculty Of Science. Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.(December 200)
5.Germination Potential, Early Growth, And Modulation of Protein Patterns of Jojoba under Salinity Stress and Possible Amelioration by Gibberellic Acid By M.M. El Araby A.H, Nassar, M.M El Araby and H.M.F. Shaaban from Department of Botany, Faculty Of Science. Ain Shams University, Cairo . Egypt (January 2001).
6.Applied Approach for Controlling Brown rot and Soft rot Bacteria of Potatoes Tawfiek, A.E. A.L Hanna: L.A. EL-Ghareeb : A.A. Gomah and S.M. Mahmoud. Plant Pathology Research Instiute. Agri Rec Center, Giza Egypt. (2004).
7. Studies on Jojoba (Simmondisa Chinensis (link) Schneider) 1- IBA-INDUCED Rooting Potentials. El-Torky, M.G. 1-; A.H Shahien 2; Ola A. El-Shennawy 1; Eman M. El-Fady 1. 1- Department Of Floriculture, Ornamental Horticulture and Garden Design, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. 2- Department of pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. (2004).
8.Studies on Jojoba (Simmondisa Chinensis (link) Schneider) 111-Pollen Viability and Pollen Ultrastructure El-Torky, M.G. 1-; A.H Shahien 2; Ola A. El-Shennawy 1; Eman M. El-Fady 1. 1- Department Of Floriculture, Ornamental Horticulture and Garden Design, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. 2- Department of pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. (2004).
9.Studies on Jojoba (Simmondisa Chinensis (link) Schneider IV- Preflowering Sex Identification. El-Torky, M.G. 1-; A.H Shahien 2; Ola A. El-Shennawy 1; Eman M. El-Fady 1. 1- Department Of Floriculture, Ornamental Horticulture and Garden Design, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. 2- Department of pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. (2004).
10.Studies on Jojoba (Simmondisa Chinensis (link) Schneider 11- Studies on Some Vegetative and Flowering Characteristics. El-Torky, M.G. 1-; A.H Shahien 2; Ola A. El-Shennawy 1; Eman M. El-Fady 1. 1- Department Of Floriculture, Ornamental Horticulture and Garden Design, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. 2- Department of pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alex. Univ. Egypt. (2004).
11. Efficency of Certain Safe Compounds for Controlling the Faba Bean Leafminer, Liriomyza Trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera, Agromyzide) By Adel F. Lutfallah : 1 Ismail I.Ismail ;2 Mohamed Y. Hashem. 2 and Shoeir F. Abd El-Rahman 1-Plant Protection Research Institute, Agric. Res. Center, Dokki Giza, Egypt. 2- Dep. Of Economi Entomology & Pesticides, Fac. of Agric. Cairo. Univ. Giza, Egypt (2004).
12. An Applicable Protocol for Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis Link, Schnied) Micropropagation Dr . A. A. Reda Plant Biotechnology Department , National Research Centre , Dokki
رابعاً : رسائل الدكتوراه والماجيستير فى المجال الزراعى والكيميائى
1.Physiological Studies on Jojoba Simmondisa Chinensis (link) Schneider Plant By Mahmoud Abd El-Hamid Mahmoud El-SErafy Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture (pomology) Horticulture Dep. Fac. Of Agri. Al Azhar University (1987).
2.Effect of Some Agricultural Treatment on Jojoba Plants Grown in Sandy Soils. By Salah Mohamed Mohamed Salem. BSc. Agri. (Hort.) Fac. Of Agri. Suez Canal Univ. Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Degree of Master of Science in Horticulture (Floriculture) Under Supervision of: Prof. Doc. Ali Abd El-Hamead Ali Meawad.. Profesor of Floricultre and Medicinal Plants Hort. Dep. Agric. Zagazig Uiversity. (2002).
3.Technological And Chemical Studies On Jojoba oil . By Tariq Saadiq Abd El-Rahman Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Degree of Master of Science in Agri. (food Technology) Under the Supervision of Prof. Dr. F.A, Salem Prof. of Food Science Faculty Of Agricultre Zagazig University. (2002).
4.Chemical Studies On Jojoba oil By Soad Mohamed Mohamed Salem. BSc. Agri. Sci. (Food Science) Zagazig University (1982). M.Sc. Agri. Sci (food Technology) Zagazig University (1995) thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Degree of Doc. Of Philosophy in Agri. Science(food Technology) Under the Supervision of Prof. Dr, F.M.H. Ashour Prof. of (food Technology) Fac. Of Agri. Moshtohor Zagazig University (Benha Branch) (2003).
5.Natural and Toxicological Studies on Radiation Detoxification of new Protein Sources A Thesis Of The PH.D. Degree In Zoology (Physiology) by Hikmat Mahmoud El-Shennawy M.SC.Zoology (Physiology) Supervision Committee Prof Dr. Abd EL Aziz Abas Diab-Prof. of Physiology Zoology Dep. Faculty of Science Zagazig University. (2003).
6.Cliniccopathological Studies on the Effect of Jojoba Seeds (Simmondisa Chinensis) as Antibacterial Agent and Immunostimulant in Chickens. By Fatma Mohamed Ahmed Youssef ( B.V. Sc Zagazig University, 1989) (M.V. Sc. Suez Canal University. 1999) Thesis Submitted to Suez Canal Univ. (clinical Pathology) Dep. Of Clinical Pathology. Under Supervision of Prof. Dr. Osama Ali Mohaned Abdallah Prof of clinical Pathology and Chairman of Clinical Pathology Department Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Suez Canal University. (2005).
7.Efficacy of Some Plant Extracts in Controlling Sesamia Cretica Led. And Ostrina numbilais (HUBN.) in Maize Fielids By Shenouda Sayed Yacoub B.Sc. Agric.Pesticides, Cairo University, 1992. M.Sc. (Agric), Economic Entomology, Zagazig University, 1999 Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor Of Philosophy in Agriculture (Economic Entomology) Under The Supervision of prof. Dr. Fawzy Faik Shalaby – prof. of Economic Entomology, Fac. Of Agri. Benha University. Plant Protection Department Faculty of Agriculture- Benha University (2006).
خامسأ : الأبحاث والرسائل فى مجال الوقود والزيوت الهندسيه الكيميائيه
1.Synthesis of Extreme Pressure Petroleum Additive from local Jojoba oil By Salem . A.E &Goua .R.H Research Center, Misr Petroleum Co.
2.Measurement of Laminar Burning velocity of Jojoba Methyl ester. M..Sc. Thesis submitted by Eng. Sayed Mohamed Abu-Elyazeed . BSc. Mechanical power Engineering, 1994 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirments for the Degree Master of Science in Mechanical Power Engineering. Supervisor Dr. Soleiman. El- Fikey Faculty Of Engineering Mechanical Power Eng. Dept. Helwan University. Cairo (2001).
3.Evaluation of Jojoba oil as an Antioxidant in Natural Rubber (Rss-I). El-Hadidy, M. El-Nahas; El-Shehaby, M.M. And El-Akhras, M.M. Desert Research Center, El-Matareya, Cairo, Egypt. Helipolis Company for Chemical Idustries, M.F.81. (2001).
4 عمارات العبور - صلاح سالم - مدينه نصر - القاهرة
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حقوق الطبع والنشر 2017 - تيبكال ديزاين.كل الحقوق محفوظة